COVID-19 epidemic in Europe: What have we learned? And does underlying HIV-infection make a difference?

Jürgen Rockstroh, MD
Head of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Bonn,
Bonn, Germany

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About the Presenter:Top of page

Jürgen Rockstroh, MD, is a Professor of Medicine and Head of the HIV Outpatient Clinic at the University of Bonn in Germany. He earned a Doctor of Medicine degree from the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn and completed his residency in the Department of Medicine also at the University of Bonn. His department treats the world’s largest cohort of HIV-infected hemophiliacs. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Rockstroh is involved in HIV research on antiretroviral therapy, including new drug classes; the course of HIV disease in haemophiliacs; and HIV and hepatitis co-infection. He has been an investigator in multiple clinical trials of antiretroviral agents and treatments for HIV and hepatitis co-infection. From 2007-2011 he was elected as the president of the German AIDS Society. Since 2009, he is also a member of the executive committee of the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS), and since 2011, a member of the governing council of the International AIDS Society. He also was the chair of the National German AIDS Advisory Panel from 2011-2017 and the EACS coinfection guidelines from 2008-2017. In 2015 Professor Rockstroh was elected chair of HIV in Europe (in 2019 renamed as EuroTEST) and in 2019, president for EACS.

Learning Objectives: Top of page

At the completion of this educational session, learners will:
  • Know the current epidemiology of the COVID-19 epidemic in Europe.
  • Be aware of testing and prevention strategies as well as clinical management and therapeutic options for COVID-19.
  • Understand the risk of COVID-19 infection in HIV-infected individuals.

Financial Support:Top of page

This PRN CME activity is funded in part by unrestricted educational grants from: Gilead Sciences; Janssen Therapeutics, a division of Janssen Products, LP; and Merck & Co.

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