R4P 2021: Updates on the HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Pipeline
Craig W. Hendrix, MD
Wellcome Professor and Director, Division of Clinical Pharmacology
Departments of Medicine and Pharmacology
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Videos of live meetings of PRN in NYC are owned and published by Physicians’ Research Network, Inc. Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved.
Craig Hendrix trained in infectious diseases and clinical pharmacology at Hopkins before 10 years as an Air Force physician and 23 years at Johns Hopkins. Dr. Hendrix’s primary research focus is clinical pharmacology of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and served as Principal Investigator of over 75 phase I clinical studies. He’s also served as principal pharmacologist for over 50 clinical trials in the Microbicide Trials Network and HIV Prevention Trials Network. He has published over 250 original scientific papers.
He has also served as member of a National Academy of Medicine Advisory Panel, the CDC Board of Scientific Counselors, the board of several pharmacology professional societies, current Chairman of the Board of the American Board of Clinical Pharmacology, and member of several FDA Advisory Committees. He has received numerous awards for scientific achievement.
At the completion of this educational session, learners will:
1. Describe the benefits of PrEP choices for global HIV prevention.
2. Understand the limitations of systemic, long-acting PrEP.
3. Discuss ongoing development of on-demand PrEP.
4. Discuss ongoing development of multi-purpose prevention technologies (MPTs).
Policies and standards of the Medical Society of the State of New York and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education require that speakers and planners for continuing medical education activities disclose any relevant financial relationships they may have with commercial interests whose products, devices, or services may be discussed in the content of a CME activity.
- Dr. James F. Braun, DO (Course Director) has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
- Dr. William M. Valenti (Moderator) has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
- Dr. Craig W. Hendrix (Presenter) has had the following personal financial relationships in the past 12 months with manufacturers of the products or services that may be presented in this CME activity: Research Funding, SAB paid and travel from Merck, ViiV, and Population Control; Research Funding and SAB travel from Gilead; Travel from RTI; Founder/Officer of Prionde Biopharma. Dr. Hendrix will support his presentation and clinical recommendations with the best available evidence from the medical literature and will submit his slides in advance for adequate peer review.