HIV-1 Dual Infection: Real or Imagined?

Davey Smith, MD, MAS
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of California at San Diego
La Jolla, California

Lentiviral dual infection occurs with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and HIV-2 in macaques, HIV-1 in chimpanzees, and feline immunodeficiency virus in cats,1-5 suggesting that HIV-1 dual infection should not be unexpected in humans. The best circumstantial evidence for HIV dual infection is that 10% of HIV infections worldwide involve recombinant viruses.6 Ramos et al reported the first confirmed case of HIV dual infection in humans in 2002.7 There has also been one report of HIV triple infection,8 and a report of infection with HIV-2.9 The initial reports involved people who were dually infected with a virus from a clade different from their initial infecting virus (interclade).7, 10 Because HIV-1 clades can be differentiated genetically, interclade superinfections can be readily detected by molecular methods; immune responses to the initial infection might be less likely to protect against such a divergent superinfecting virus. Subsequently, however, superinfection with the same clade (intraclade) was reported by my group and others.11, 12

What is the Difference Between HIV Coinfection and Superinfection? Top of page

Similar to other persistent viral infections, such as cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, and hepatitis C virus, infection of an individual with a second viral strain (dual infection)13-15 may also occur in HIV infection. Dual infection, which can be classified as either coinfection or superinfection, occurs when an individual is infected with strains derived from two different individuals.
Dual infection can be classified as either coinfection or superinfection:

  • Coinfection is infection with two separate strains either simultaneously or within a brief period of time before infection with the first strain is established.
  • Superinfection is sequential infection with a heterologous strain after an immune response has been established to the initial strain.16 The term "superinfection" does not mean that the second infection is stronger or more virulent; it is meant to distinguish dual infection from instances of re-infection after the first virus has cleared, as occurs with most respiratory viruses,17 but not with HIV.


What Can We Learn from HIV Superinfection?Top of page

While HIV superinfection may not precisely reflect initial infection after vaccination, perhaps developers of HIV vaccines should consider instances in which the immune response to the initial infection was unable to protect against the second viral challenge.16, 44, 54 Specifically, a better understanding of the roles of cytotoxic T-cell and neutralizing-antibody responses in controlling or preventing secondary infections or superinfections could help in the design of therapeutic and preventive vaccines.55, 56

Initial investigations into the cytotoxic T-cell responses before and after HIV superinfection found that the individual’s immune response had good control of the initial virus, with low viral loads and high CD4+ counts. However, after superinfection, there was a poor cytotoxic response to the superinfecting virus, and an associated rise in viral load, and decrease in CD4+ counts.7, 12, 57 In these cases, the superinfecting virus did not share apparently important epitopes with the first virus, which could explain how the superinfecting virus became the predominant strain. These data may not support the development of a vaccine based on cytotoxic T-cell responses, and may explain why Merck’s V520 HIV vaccine did not offer substantial protection.58 On the other hand, initial case control investigations into neutralizing antibodies among small cohorts of highly exposed individuals found that those with higher levels of cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies did not become superinfected, while individuals with low levels of neutralizing antibodies did.59 Although these observations were not replicated among individuals superinfected by HIV-1 clades that were different than their initial infection.54 Further studies are required in larger prospective cohorts to delineate the true role of neutralizing antibody in protection against superinfection, and how cross-reactive this neutralizing antibody response must be to offer a realistic level of protection against an initially infecting strain, as in the setting of a preventive vaccine, or against a superinfecting strain. This may be extremely difficult considering the genetic diversity of HIV-1 worldwide.42

ReferencesTop of page

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