State of the LA-ART: New Drug Delivery Technologies in HIV Treatment and Prevention
Charles W. Flexner, MD
Professor of Medicine
Director AIDS Clinical Trials Unit
Deputy Director, Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Videos of live meetings of PRN in NYC are owned and published by Physicians’ Research Network, Inc. Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved.
Charles Flexner is an expert on the basic and clinical pharmacology of drugs for HIV/AIDS and related infections, including viral hepatitis and tuberculosis. He has published extensively on antiviral and antibiotic drug transport and metabolism, and metabolic drug interactions. His current research focuses on the discovery and development of new molecules and formulations for long-acting parenteral administration for the treatment and prevention of HIV infection. He directs the Long-Acting/Extended Release Antiretroviral Research Resource Program, which provides advice and support to the World Health Organization, Unitaid, and more. He is Co-Director of the Johns Hopkins University Baltimore-Washington-India HIV Clinical Trials Unit and chairs the Antiretroviral Strategies committee of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group. He is the Chief Scientific Officer of the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research at John’s Hopkins and a member of the editorial board of 12 scientific journals.
At the completion of this educational session, learners will:
1. Understand the rationale for long-acting antiretroviral formulations for HIV treatment and prevention.
2. Know the pharmacology of nanoformulated cabotegravir, rilpivirine, and similar formulations.
3. Be able to explain the mechanism of anti-HIV activity of islatravir and lenacapavir.
4. Know the difference between erodable and non-erodable implant formulations.
This PRN CME activity is funded in part by unrestricted educational grants from:
Gilead Sciences; Janssen Therapeutics, a division of Janssen Products, LP; Merck & Co.; and ViiV Healthcare