What's New in Kaposi Sarcoma?
Susan E. Krown, MD
Vice-chair for International Activities, AIDS Malignancy Consortium
Member emerita, Department of Medicine
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Videos of live meetings of PRN in NYC are owned and published by Physicians’ Research Network, Inc.
Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.
Susan Krown is a medical oncologist who has been involved in clinical investigations in HIV-associated malignancies since 1981. Her early research demonstrated the activity of recombinant interferon alfa against HIV-associated Kaposi sarcoma and defined the prognostic significance of various markers of immune function in the disease. She also led the development and validation of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group staging system for HIV-associated Kaposi sarcoma and the criteria used to define response of HIV-associated KS to treatment. First developed in the 1980s, these staging and response criteria remain the world-wide standard for AIDS-KS staging and response assessment. She has been a leader in multicenter studies that established the safety and efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents in the management of HIV-associated KS. These studies helped to establish the standard of care for cytotoxic therapy for KS and the basis for subsequent studies of chemotherapy in both high- and low-resource settings. Dr. Krown has served as the Vice-Chair for International Activities for the AIDS Malignancy Consortium (AMC) since 2010, and has led the development of the AMC’s international program in Africa, facilitating protocol development, logistics, training, and implementation, enhancing infrastructure, and building clinical trials capacity at these sites, and is now leading the AMC’s effort to expand its international efforts into Latin America. Prior to her retirement from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and appointment to its Emeritus staff, she also led the MSKCC AMC site as Principal Investigator for over 15 years.
At the completion of this educational session, learners will:
- Know the incidence and prevalence of Kaposi sarcoma in the U.S. and internationally.
- Be aware of recent advances in Kaposi sarcoma treatment in the U.S. and internationally.
- Better understand the people at risk for Kaposi sarcoma development.
This PRN CME activity is funded in part by unrestricted educational grants from:
Gilead Sciences; Janssen Therapeutics, a division of Janssen Products, LP; and Merck & Co.
To obtain CME credit for this PRN program, please visit the
PRN Courses Page at the Clinical Education Initiative (CEI) web site. PRN and the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) jointly sponsor PRN enduring materials for CME, and provide them at no cost to the AIDS Institute of the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) for broadcast through the CEI. We thank the NYSDOH for making our CME programs available to a wider audience, and hope you will also browse the many other educational opportunities offered by the CEI.