HIV to HIV Transplantation: Hope in Action
Christine M. Durand, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases
Transplant Oncology Group
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Videos of live meetings of PRN in NYC are owned and published by Physicians’ Research Network, Inc.
Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved.
Christine Durand holds a unique position within the Division of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins—she is the only faculty member with a dual appointment in both the HIV group and Transplant Oncology ID group. She leads the evaluation and management of all HIV-infected and HCV-infected solid organ and bone marrow transplant candidates, and her current research includes epidemiologic, translational and clinical studies focused on this patient population. Dr Durand also has experience working with national cooperative groups in the areas of HIV, HCV, cancer and transplant. She is PI for follow-up studies to the NIH-funded Multisite HIV+ organ transplant study, and currently leads translational studies measuring HIV reservoirs in 4 ongoing trials led by the AIDS Malignancy Consortium and Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network. Additionally, Dr Durand is also the Johns Hopkins site PI for several ongoing clinical trials of HIV and HCV treatment, and holds a leadership position in the translational science working groups of both the AMC and the AIDS Clinical Trials Group. Dr Durand is the PI of the first pilot study of HIV-to-HIV kidney and liver transplant at Johns Hopkins, and is currently leading a national consortium of more than 30 transplant centers that are organizing efforts to study HIV-to-HIV transplant at sites across the country.
At the completion of this educational session, learners will:
- Know the guidelines to select appropriate HIV-positive candidates for organ transplantation.
- Understand the management challenges for HIV-positive transplant recipients.
- Be aware of the recent changes in federal law allowing for the use of HIV-positive donors.
- Appreciate the knowledge gaps and risks of using HIV-positive donors.
This PRN CME activity is funded in part by unrestricted educational grants from:
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, Merck & Co, and ViiV Healthcare.
To obtain CME credit for this PRN program, please visit the
PRN Video Channel at the Clinical Education Initiative (CEI) web site. PRN and the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) jointly sponsor PRN enduring materials for CME, and provide them at no cost to the AIDS Institute of the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) for broadcast through the CEI. We thank the NYSDOH for making our CME programs available to a wider audience, and hope you will also browse the many other educational opportunities offered by the CEI.